Sure I was one of those people that believed all of the myths of motorcycle riding or even the stereotypes of women that rode, buuuuut I've spoken to many riders, posted on forums, and read books to educate myself on the FACTS. I'm here today to share the myths I had and the info that busted them. BOO-YAH!
Myth #1: Motorcycles are dangerous.
Okay, okay this one can argued to death so I will say this. YES, motorcycles can leave you more vulnerable. HOWEVER, riders can do many, many things to lower their risk. As a reproductive health educator, I would state it this way: Sex can lead to pregnancy and STDs, BUT if you are educated and take precautions, it's safer. TA-DAH! I just compared motorcycling to sex. So no worries friends, I'm educating myself and practicing my skills to make myself a safer rider.
If you educate yourself and practice, you'll be more protected! So that's a book, a cone, and a condom in case you couldn't tell. |
Myth #2: You can't be feminine AND a biker.
Yes I did believe this at one point. Female riders can be stereotyped as extreme or butch or adrenaline junkies. I mean all they show in movies are scary biker chicks decked out in leather chillin' on their Harley. When do they ever show a regular chick on a bike? They don't!! I found an AWESOME forum called "Two Wheel Females" and it's filled with female riders who are young, old, moms, sporty, adventurous, mellow, everything! As perfectly worded by the Two Wheel Females book, "Nothing about riding needs to detract from a woman's femininity."
Leah "LeahStunts" Petersen. She's hot AND stunts. Badass!!! |
Myth #3: You need to be physically strong or tall to ride.
Sure it's easier to touch the ground if your legs are long, but it's not necessary. Check out the link for
Height Challenged Motorcycle Riders on Two Wheel Females' Website. If you're 5'2", it's cool, no worries. You CAN still ride. I guess I don't have that worry since I'm 5'6" but my concern was about my skinny figure. How can my scrawny arms and legs possibly move a 600 pound machine?? Well they can. It's called putting it neutral and using the wheels and walking. Pow! Myth busted, Liezl.
If this little thing can move this bike, so can YOU! (God I look like a dork in this picture...) |
Myth #4: When riding with a guy, the girl should be in the back.
So I haven't had a passenger yet, but if it's my bike I'M DRIVING! To this day, I haven't seen a woman in the front. Ladies, wouldn't it feel awesome to have your man hang on to you while you're in control of the motorcycle?? Vroom Vroom Vrooooommmmmm!!!
posted on 1/12/11