If learning to ride a motorcycle was structured like school, I would've just graduated from middle school. Ladies and gentlemen, I went from riding the local roads to an "expressway"!! This deserves a ceremony complete with a grad cap toss.
Woohoo! | | | | | | |
In the midwest, our definition of "expressway" is that 8 lane road where you drive 65mph with the giant green signs up above. Here in the bay area, "expressway" means a 4 lane road going 45-50 mph with stoplights once in a while. So in my opinion, that's still an accomplishment! I felt like such a big girl! Normally I practice at 8am on a weekend to avoid traffic, but this time I went at 10:00am in real traffic and everything! When I approached stoplights, the cars behind me were lining up, giving me the usual jitters. I was nervous about stalling on this major road or not moving forward fast enough at a green.
So here's my story. It was around 9am, light traffic. I was cruising down the expressway at 45 mph and it felt
good. It didn't feel too fast. I'm getting used to higher speeds. Feeling more confident. I slow down for a red light, first in line. "Here's my chance. I'm better at handling the clutch and throttle. I can do this." Green light, GO! I jolt forward on first, switch to 2nd in no time with a larger jolt forward, switch to 3rd and jerk forward again. I'm really gunning it!!! Never thought I could switch gears that quickly. I'm actually freaked out at this point. The loud "vrrrooom" and forward jolting confused me. Thoughts raced through my head: "Is this what's supposed to happen? Does that mean I'm lacking control? Is this bike too powerful for me? If I'm jolting like that, does it mean I'm not switch smooth enough?" At this point I need to stop and take a breather. I have no idea where I'm going but I turn on a few streets, find a large parking lot, and hit my safety red "stop" button.
One of the best things I learned about growing your confidence in riding is, "Go back to basics." I was confused by the stoplight thing and needed some of my confidence back, so I practiced starts, stops, and swerves in the lot. I felt a little better and called my BF to come and get me. It was later in the morning and there was no way in hell I was riding back in heavier traffic. He arrived shortly, gave me a big hug, and asked me if I wanted to ride home anyway. "Uhhhhhmmm." I swear I was quiet for a full 2 minutes when I unconvincingly said, "Okay." I didn't want to wimp out. I still had some confidence left! I sucked it up, straddled that bike and rode.
Me gearing up. Can you feel the self-talk going on in my head? |
Okay no turning back now! I've committed! |
At one of those dreaded stop lights. BF was driving behind to make sure I was safe =) Wow I can completely touch the ground with that bike! |
Woohoo! I'm going 45mph! Feels great! |
I'm riding on the "expressway" like a big kid! |
Parking the bike after a successful ride! |
This is just the thing I needed to keep my motivation going. Reminds me of why I wanted to learn to ride in the first place. To challenge myself and feel that freedom in the wind. Sounds corny? Well, too bad!
Thanks for reading! More stories to come!
Written a long time ago but Blogger lost this post and I had to write it again.
Speaking of how Blogger lost this post, Blogger lost my comment! Let me try my best to recreate the magic from the first one...
ReplyDelete1) That's awesome that you got on the highway! Did you celebrate after the ride with some delicious food? :D
2) About the most recent post--I think some people just like to be in others' bidness, and there's no persuading either way. I know that riding is a serious hobby, and it takes a lot of effort, time, and money, so I'm sure you remain careful and inquisitive if there are any bumps along the road!
And 3) when my bf showed interest in riding a while ago, I knew I could trust him in his decision to pursue it seriously or to forget about it, but when I saw that he started slacking in less than a week into his research and inquiring other riders, I knew his heart wasn't really into it and had no qualms about telling him that I didn't think he was ready. He agreed, and I think he appreciated that I didn't just shut him down! So yeah, Liezl, don't let the lecturers get to you! I don't think you're the type to just do this half-assed!