Riding Day 2

Because of how the first day ended, you can imagine my increased anxiety at the start of the second day.  My BF and I went to brunch at one my favorite places, but it was so hard to enjoy it.  I think I just looked stressed...and he could feel that.  He was a huge comfort though.  I really can't emphasize enough the need for positive folks during this process.  Taking the course with a buddy would be ideal (and super fun!), but having cheerleaders when you get home is awesome too.

To my surprise, I actually started having fun this day!!!  One of the first exercises was to learn to switch from 2nd gear to 3rd and back to 2nd.  We got to go "fast"!!  Fast meaning like 20 mph.  I can't believe how much of a thrill it was to just keep riding and riding at that speed!  Woooo!!!!  Already feeling better.  If you have a bike, does it tell you what gear you're in?  Have you ever forgotten??  What happens?
No gear indicator!

I lost my buddy this day =(.  It just wasn't her day to be riding.  She didn't feel comfortable and panicked during one of the drills and ended up stopping in the middle of it.  After a quick chat with the ridercoach, I saw her leaving the site.  Oh nooo!!  Sucks.  Classmates and I were talking about her during break and this guy said to me, "Yesterday she was doing better than you, but today you're doing better than her!"  In my head I was like, "What the hell??  You asshole!  We're not competing here!!"  But my non-confrontational self just sarcastically said, "Thanks..."  That jerk!

So I can't remember what we learned on the second day...huge blur.  My guesses would be:

Cornering - going through a curve safely
Using turn signals
Switching gears
Stopping quickly
Crap...it was 4 hours of stuff...can't...recall...

One thing I was getting hugely better at was getting a feel for the friction zone.  I really should've gotten this down after the first day, but it was hard for me.  I was able to go from sitting still to first gear lot more smoothly.  Before I would be jerking forward awkwardly.  Even my classmates said that I was getting the hang of it!  It was nice for them to see my progression, but also slightly embarrassing for them to notice my struggles.

The second day ended waaay better than the first.  I wasn't dreading the next session and I was one step closer to becoming a rider.  Woot!

Last day of the MSF course to come!

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