Bike Shopping!

I've been itching to get my own bike!  Yes I like Roxy (my BF's bike) but there is nothing like riding your own, or so I'd imagine.  Main reasons I want my comes another list!:

1.  If I drop it, it's my own bike, so whatever!
2.  I want something that is more beginner friendly.  The 600cc bike I practice on right now makes me a tad nervous.  If I make a mistake, I'd be F***ED!
3.  I just want one dammit!

I don't have a clue as to how to buy a motorcycle.  What kinds of things do I look for?  What are good questions to ask?  What's a reasonable price for a used 250cc bike?  How can I tell that the seller is nothing but a douchebag and trying to take my money?  You know, stuff like that.  So of course I researched it!  One of my favorite websites is  This guy is damn cool.  He's a math and science tutor AND he's an instructor for motorcycling, skiing, and shooting.  DOPE.  That is why you have to listen to whatever he says.

A friend told me that his friend was selling his bike.  I had to check it out!  This may be a surprise but I haven't fantasized about the type of motorcycle I wanted to buy.  He was selling a 2001 250 Ninja in red.  For some reason, I knew I didn't want a red bike.  Maybe because my BF has one.  I don't want to be one of those couples.  Just kidding, sort of.  Red isn't for me.  I made the appointment with the seller and had a hard time concentrating on work the next day because I was too excited.

Started raining that day (curse you weather gods!) so I knew that I'd be too nervous to test ride it.  I needed an experienced rider to go with me to stop me from making any stupid decisions so my BF came too.  Without further ado, here's the bike:

It had many scratches and cracks in the fairings.  Wasn't very "pretty" but the owner said it was mechanically solid, and I do think that is more important  He was a really cool guy and didn't pressure me into anything and was honest about it's "problems" and  history.  Thrilled to finally get close to a 250 Ninja, I sat on it.  Wow, it was light!!  Moved side to side and had no fear that it was going to topple over.  The riding position was also comfortable.  I was more upright as opposed to super sport racing position where you practically lay on top of the tank.  Tons of people and resources recommend the 250 Ninja as a beginner bike and after sitting on it, I was pretty sure that I wanted one.  The owner asked if I wanted to test ride it.  I looked outside at the shiny, wet pavement and unfamiliar road and said, "Uhh.  No thanks."  The three of us chatted for a good 30 minutes.  After looking at the bike for 5 minutes, I knew I was going to pass on it.  I heard that when you look at a bike, you just know when it's "the one."  If you don't feel it, pass on it.  Kind of a like a wedding dress.  Or a man...

Even though I didn't walk away with a purchase, I did learn a lot.  I learned about good questions to ask, importance of test driving a bike, things to look for physically, and going with my gut.  It was a fun experience!   Excited to look at more!  My next step is to go to a dealer.  Not to buy (they usually jack up the prices) but to sit on lots of motorcycles.  I'm getting really annoyed with all this rain...I WANT MY BIKE NOW!!!  Patience Liezl...patience.

Written 3/16/11

Battle In My Head

Some great advice I learned from TwoWheelFemales (no they are not paying me to keep mentioning them!) is to practice super early on weekends so I have to deal with as little traffic as possible.  As mentioned in the last post, I got freaked out one morning a couple of weeks ago and didn't have the courage to even leave the parking lot.  After experiencing the super high from my first street ride, I wanted to keep going with these early mornings.  Yesterday I got up at 7:30am (had to snooze a few times, it's Saturday morning for godsakes!) drove to my BF's to get the bike, sat on Roxy, and went straight to the street with barely any hesitation!  It's crazy how much my confidence can waver day to day.  Sure I stalled at a stop light (car behind me again!) and going from 0 to 25mph took half a minute but I freakin did it!  Wasn't as thrilling as my last street ride, but happy that I'm learning each time I sit on a bike.  Had to stop riding after 10 minutes because it was raining and I didn't want to risk slipping.  Paint is super slick!

Now today is a totally different story.  I don't know why or how, but I just wasn't feeling it.  I could hear the excuses in my head.  I don't even think I slept well last night because of jitters.  I woke up at 7am as usual and on the way to my BF's, it was so damn foggy.  I seriously couldn't see 100 feet in front of me.  I was slightly relieved.  "Hooray a legitimate excuse!"  As I got closer to my destination, the fog was starting to clear up, but it was enough fog to make me nervous.  Finally got to the lot, parked my car and sat in it for a good 5 minutes.  Here was the battle in my head:

I would've made a full on comic, but that takes too long!
Overly Cautious Liezl:  It's foggy, drivers may not be able to see me.
Adventure Liezl:  It's fine!  I can see things 2 blocks away!
OCL:  But what if I'm driving slow in the fog and a car doesn't see me and speeds up?
AL:  Look the fog is clearing more!
OCL:  But, the ground is slick from the rain all week.
AL:  You rode in the same conditions yesterday and it was fine!
OCL:  If I'm feeling this nervous, that might be a sign that I shouldn't ride today.
AL:  But you're ALWAYS nervous.  It's nothing new!  And you did great yesterday.
OCL:  Yeah but it feels different this time.  Like my gut is screaming at me.
AL:  Okay fine, you win today with your stupid ass excuses.  This conversation went on too long and it made you feel worse.  If you would've just shut up, we'd be on the road right now learning.
OCL:  *Feelings of guilt and disappointment*

Guess I'm still learning how to distinguish between my usual jitters and gut feelings that tell me NOT to ride because it's unsafe.  How can you tell?  The end result was that I was angry at myself for "quitting" and went back home majorly bummed.  After a few hours of bike research, hanging out at forums, and blogging at the local coffeeshop, I felt better.  Tomorrow is a new day and maybe I'll be ready to ride then.  Today was just not my day to ride and that is okay.

Written 2/20/11


I don't say curse words usually, but this is so how I felt today.  Here's some backstory...

It's been 2 months since I took the MSF class and let's just say that I drove around on the bike a few days ago going 10mph, and I felt really awkward and nervous on it.  I barely practice.  I've practiced maybe 6 times since the course.  Why so few you ask?  Wellllll, here are my excuses:
1.  It's raining
2.  I have more important things to do
3.  The bike is in the shop (this one is legit!)
4.  My BF, the owner of the bike, isn't available
5.  It's too late in the day
6.  I was on vacation

Yes, they are just excuses.  Here are the real reasons I avoid practicing:
1.  I feel uncomfortable on the bike, and I REALLY don't like that feeling
2.  I'm scared
3.  I'm lazy
4.  It's been so long since my last practice, I'm losing motivation

I felt like I made major progress with getting my licence and learning the skills from the class, but I took major steps backwards from not practicing after.  Almost every time I practiced, it was like starting over.  Lots of deep breathing and self-talk to try to build my confidence again.  Anyone else have a similar experience?

As you can tell from the title of this post, I became re-inspired.  I had a secret weapon!  I've been wanting to watch One Week (trailer), a motorcycle movie with neat-o scenes, but was saving it to excite me before I went on a riding road trip.  However, this was an emergency!  I was losing motivation for something I had worked so damn hard for!  I watched the movie, and just as I had hoped for, the movie reminded me of that feeling I craved from riding a bike:  liberation.  "Man that looks refreshing!" kind of feel.  So did that movie make me want to practice all week?  Hell no.  I was still anxious.  However, that movie did get me to at least have thoughts of riding in the back of my head.  After a few weeks of ignoring my blog, I decided to write again.  I suppose a combination of it all got me itching to ride again.

Joshua Jackson is such a cutie!  Not like that Pacey guy from Dawson's Creek.

While my BF was away for the week in Hawaii, I borrowed his bike to practice on.  I was so damn determined to wake up at 7am on a Saturday morning and ride in his neighborhood.  Did I actually wake up?  You bet your ass I did!  I sat on the bike, started Roxy up, and then holy shit I got nervous!  It was probably 2 weeks ago that I last sat on her.  I didn't have the confidence to ride in the neighborhood at all.  Instead I rode in his parking lot a couple of times.  I wouldn't call it a fail, but a "dammit..."

That "dammit" made me determined to return to the my usual spot to work on my skillz!  3 days later, I go back to Shoreline Amphitheater and start riding in circles.  "Hey this feels pretty good today."  I bust out the cones and practice swerving.  "Hmmm...I wanna do more!  I'm going to try to go to the street!"  I mapped out my route in my head and went towards the road.  First up, stop sign.  Okay made it and didn't stall when I turned left.  Next, a stop light.  "Holy crap!!!"  I was able to switch to the right gear and slowly come to a steady stop, even letting my left foot down first.  Green light GO!  "Yikes!!!"  Across the way, there was a car waiting for me to go before it took its turn.  "Ahhh stop distracting me!!!"  I slowly let out the clutch, rolled on the throttle, switched to 2nd gear, and the engine started revving without any acceleration.  "Oh shit!"  Realizing I was still squeezing the clutch from switching gears, I released it and crossed the intersection.  I felt an amazing rush.  I drove faster, moving up to 25mph.  Felt like 65.  Slowed as I came to an upcoming stop sign.  Turned around and went back.  On the straightaway, went up to 30.  Fuck that was exhilarating!!!  Crossed the stop light again with no problems.  Made it to the parking lot.  Shrieking with joy, "OH MY GOD THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" as I celebrated with James.  He kissed my helmet and I was ready to go again!

The second time around wasn't as smooth.  A car was driving behind me and I couldn't help but stare at it in my mirror.  "Hey stop that!  Look forward dammit!"  I cross the light, that car was still behind me.  Stupid nerves.  I try to stay above 25mph.  Come to the stop sign.  Car still behind me.  Let out the clutch.  Bike dies.  FUCK!  Let it out too fast.  Restart the bike and move forward.  Randomly ride in some parking lot while I recollect myself.  "You can do it."  I head back to Shoreline with no problems.  Still feeling that original rush, I decided to call it a day.  I wanted to end on a high note.  BF and I decided to celebrate my success my favorite way:  food!
Korean food!
God it was a good day.  Hope I can keep this up.  Feeling really motivated now!  Too bad it supposed to rain all week...