All Coming Together

When you're learning something new, do you ever get that feeling when things finally come together, like an "A-ha!" moment?  Things click in your head and you say to yourself, "Ooohhh now I get it."  I definitely had one of those last night.  I think it's becoming a regular thing for me and my BF to ride to the ice cream shop.  It's my favorite way to practice!  Lately there's been a lot less stalling (me, not the bike) and fewer butterflies.  Instead of ice cream, we got bubble tea.  I packed the laptop and wore a backpack along with my gear.  I felt like real rider!  Cooool...

While we were hanging out at the bubble tea joint, I started fantasizing about where to go for my first moto trip.  I didn't want it to be too mountainous because I'm still terrified of unexpected things on curves.  My BF made a good point...think of your trip as part of your training.  That made me realize that if I was going to wait until I was 100% comfortable and confident in my riding skills, I'd be waiting forever.  There will always be something I want to work on.  Don't worry friends.  I'll challenge myself but will still listen to my gut feelings of risk. 

I asked my BF (for the 20th time) about how to take turns and he explained it to me (for the 20th time, thanks for your patience!).  I don't know why the heck it took me so long to understand it, but I finally did.  On the way home I took the turn I was dreading and made it through smoothly.  CLICK!  My body and my brain finally got it.  I went home and said to him, "That was fun.  I'm actually enjoying riding now."  Ahhh...that felt good to say.

Just a visual to explain how I felt that night =)


  1. woo hoo! Yay for the A-ha moments, those are always the best...Go Liezl! Whoever you BF is, I bet he's so nice/patient because he has a very patient brother O_O

  2. Hi!!! You read my blog! Thank you =) You're entire family is kind. Why are you the doughboy??

  3. That's awesome! I know I had a "a-ha!" moment when I was learning how to snowboard - those moments are amazing.

    So when are you going to take me for a ride? :)
